Friday, February 8, 2013

I can't get over how much Bryce looks like Kendal and Brody looks like Blake. It's like I have the same 2 babies all over again. It really is something else. 

The days are flying by and I have very little time to do anything.  Josh is working all day so it's just the me and the twins home during the day. 

Our routine is:

8 am- Bottle

10 am- Nap

12pm- food and bottle

1 pm- Nap

2:45-3 Pick up older 2 and bottle

5 pm- Daddy gets home and mommy gets help and it's wonderful. 

The day is BUSY and goes by fast!

I have tried to squeeze in some exercise time by joining aerobics. Not only is it time for myself but it's also a good stress relief. With 4 kids I need to get into shape. And I am about to be chasing after 2 toddlers. Prayers please. 

The babies are now 9 months. They aren't doing everything they should be at 9 months but they are getting there. They are like 7 month old babies so they will do things on their terms. Perfectly fine with me. I am being patient with them. 

Some days I feel alone and would give anything to have my mom here to help me through this. Taking care of twins all day can be so tiring and nerve wracking. I do the best I can and I remember this verse and it helps:

Isaiah 41:10  fear not, for I am with you;  be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you,  I will uphold you with my righteous right hand

I know God gave me these babies for a reason. And they have brought me so much happiness and joy. Being blessed with twins is the best! 

It's amazing how you can have 2 and then 4 and adore them all the same. Every smile warms my heart the same. When you have 4 beautiful faces in front of you, you can't help but feel overjoyed. And I am. I love them all so much. And couldn't imagine my life without any of them. They are all sweet and loving. Part me and part their dad. And that to me is perfect! Absolutely divine.