Monday, September 10, 2012

Home for a month

I remember feeling like the NICU days were never going to end and now the babies have been with us for a month. The month has flown by. The first few nights I don't think Josh slept a wink. He watched over them constantly making sure they were breathing. I tried to reassure him they were fine but he insisted that we take shifts to make sure they would be okay. We did that for a few weeks. Then after we were tired of not going to bed together, or really not going to bed at all we decided to start sleeping and when they woke us up we would get up to feed them. So that's what we did and are still continuing to do. The waking up through the night is getting a little easier. We are only doing feedings at 2:30 a.m now which is better than every 3 hours like we were. As soon as we hear the cries we both head downstairs to make bottles and feed a baby. I still can't believe it takes both of us.     

Kendal helps a lot. She loves picking up a crying baby. Blake helps a little but not as much as little mama. I do believe that it is very normal though. Since the babies have been home school has started. So it makes it a little easier just having the babies at home during the day. The days are busy and go by fast. Taking care of 4 kids very time consuming. I have very little time for anything and time with Josh is nonexistent. Everything is put on a hold for a bit. I know it won't be like this for long.  I love my babies but times it can be overwhelming so this month I have worked on crafts just to have an escape for a while. It has helped me get through some tough days.  The babies went to church once out of the whole month.  We will start going more now that they are getting bigger.  I appreciate the ones that have helped me through this month. I have even asked for help which is so unlike me. I hate asking for help!! But, I have learned that I need it now. And I am going to start having more date nights and time for me all I have to do is ask. And I can't give up on the stuff that made me sane just because I have 4 kids. They are my life and my everything but I need a break sometimes and I am learning to be okay with that. I never felt like that with Blake and Kendal. 2 kids was a breeze and they weren't the same age. Having 4 now with two that are the same age is very different. So I made it a month and we are getting a routine down. So better days are ahead :)

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