Sunday, October 28, 2012

Kendal's 6th Birthday!

We celebrated Kendal's 6th Birthday yesterday!  I can't believe she is 6! That seems so big. It's takes 2 hands instead of 1 now to show her age. It just seems so big!  

We started the day with her favorite breakfast. Blueberry pancakes and strawberries! She got to eat in bed. I don't let my kids eat in their rooms at all, so this was a treat! 

We baked cupcakes and she wanted strawberry and chocolate frosting. We decorated with edible pearls and tiara tooth pics.  My friend Taylor made her a tiara cake with a 6 on it. 

There were friends, music dancing, painting pumpkins, watching movies, snacks, and lots of fun! 

 I wish Kendal had a sister! But Taylor will work :)                                         

Happy 6th Birthday to my baby girl! People say you will never remember this and you probably won't. But I will! This is a passion of mine and I love you! Your happiness means everything to me. I love the memories we make and one day you will have all this to look back on. I am molding you into a happy, fun, and loving person. I am looking forward to every birthday I get to spend with you. Hope you enjoyed your day. Mama xoxo

Sunday, October 21, 2012

It's been a while

It's October 21st! Where does the time go? I have not sat down to blog in a while and I have missed it. Blogging is very therapeutic for me and somewhat personal time as well. Something that is very limited these days. Of course all my time is spent taking care of the babies. I do take care of my older ones also, but they are not near as needy. As long as they have a plate of food and some beverages they are content. I feel like I spend zero time with them now and it bothers me A LOT!   To make up for it I let them have a friend over all weekend. They love playing with their friends and would probably rather do that then spend time with mommy anyways. It amazes me that Kendal will be 6 next Saturday and Blake is almost 10. I think when I look up next they will be teenagers. 

Kendal will be 6 next Saturday!! :) And of course there is a party. There will be friends, cupcakes, and a sleepover to make this day special. As much as I have talked this over with her and tried to persuade other plans, it's not happening. She insists on a sleepover. I know I am the mom and I can say no, but she is 6. Shouldn't she have a say so about her birthday? I think so!  The boys are going to stay the night with grandma. (Even the big boy, daddy!) So it's just us girls. Yippee I am so excited!! 

I am also  excited about Halloween. I wanted to do more crafts and stuff but I am hoping next year I will have more time. We did go to the pumpkin patch. Where the kids did a hay ride and ran through a maze. There were horse swings the kids played on. Of course tons of pumpkins and pictures were also included. I love this time of year.  The twins are 2 peas in a pod, Blake is an army guy, and Kendal, well we are still undecided. Which we have to hurry and decide tomorrow. Her dance halloween party is Thursday. Very exciting time of year. Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. And all are firsts for my babies. I am tickled pink and blue :)

Saturday, October 13, 2012

75 ways to be a good Parent.

75) Color a page that your child selects for you in their coloring book. Label it "to" them.
74) Be the person you want them to become.
73) Let an argument go.
72) Hug them. For at least 30 seconds.
71) Stop what your are doing to listen to them.
70) Sing a song to them.
69) Write a poem about them.
68) Put a little mailbox outside of their room door and deliver "mail" to them.
67) Talk well about them in front of other people (and them!)
66) Apologize when you are wrong.
65) Read them a book.
64) Let them color your driveway with chalk.
63) Let them help you cook.
62) Tell them that you are not perfect and you do not expect them to be either.
61) Let them see you forgive someone and not talk bad about them later.
60) Tell them they are everything you ever wanted in life
59) Tell them the truth.
58) Talk to them, for 20 minutes a day about whatever they want to tell you.
57) Respect their privacy
56) Pray for them
55) Do something nice for your spouse in front of them
54) Do not embarrass them
53) Tell them the story of when they were born/adopted
52) Take pictures of them
51) Find out what their interests are
50) This is different from what your interests are for them to do
49) Be kind to their friends
48) Let them help others
47) Help them decide what kind of person they want to be
46) Be their biggest fan. Others will criticize them enough.
45) Make them a CD of their favorite music.
44) Love them.
43) Limit television time.
42) Take them to a bookstore and let them pick a book.
41) Take road trips with them
40) Do not tolerate their fits. This is as much for them as it is for you.
39) Be their friend.
38) Talk to them about what your values are.
37) Think of them -first.
36) Show them that they are special to you.
35) Teach them your religion.
34) Show them how to have good relationships by watching you and your spouse.
33) Say yes.
32) Teach them how to do their own laundry and pick up after themselves.
31) Tell them that you love them unconditionally.
30) Be there for them even if it is 4:00 a.m.
29) Be careful of how much you act like you need a break from them. They are listening.
28) Tell them you are proud of them.
27) Rent them the same movie that they have already seen and don't say anything about it
26) Taking their side will actually help them see the other person's point of view. If you push them away, they will not listen to you.
25) Make them laugh.
24) Buy them flowers.
23) Answer their questions. All 2 million of them.
22) Wash their sheets a lot. Fresh sheets are something they will remember.
21) Plant a flower with them. Children love gardening.
20) Tell them a secret to keep. Trust them.
19) Keep their secrets. This is so important.
18) Hold them when they cry. Let them hold you.
17) Pick your battles. Everyone has bad days. They are no different.
16) Bathe them often. This makes them feel better - physically and emotionally.
15) Take care of your health. You want to stay around for a while.
14) Let be little.
13) Really live where you are. Take them to the fair. Let them have a sense of community.
12) Forgive yourself.
11) Love them just the way they are. That is how they love you.
10) Encourage them daily.
9) Teach them that they are not better than anyone else. Also teach them that no one is better than them. Especially as far as you are concerned.
8) Tuck them in. Let your voice be the last one they hear at the end of the day.
7) Let them go.
6) Learn things from them. They will teach you more than you will ever teach them.
5) Don't compare yourself. You are the best parent for the job. That is why they were given to you.
4) Be silly. Smile, laugh, and play outside with them.
3) Treat your parents the way you want your kids to treat you.
2) Enjoy it while it lasts. They won't be this way for long.
1) If you are feeling less than, ask them why you are a good mommy, and be prepared to cry.