Thursday, August 23, 2012

Busy, Busy!

 The kids are in school and I am taking care of babies around the clock. Twins are a lot of work. I can't even begin to explain it and no one would even understand unless they had a set for themselves. They are sweet but demanding. I would even say a little spoilt. We love on our babies a lot because they don't stay that way long. I am eager for them to get bigger just to see how they interact and the fun they will bring. Oh and maybe they will sleep through the night and feed themselves too ;) 

Kendal starts dance next week. She told me today she loves Kindergarten. The things she says and does amuses me daily. She is definitely a joy. My only girl  :D

She was eating ice cream today. And as I laughed at her I thought you are for sure my child. There's more on your face than in your mouth. A lot of her ways remind me of myself. Yikes...

Blake is now in 4th grade. He thinks he is so big. Which I guess he is. He thinks he has to have a friend over daily and be able to ride his bike all over the neighborhood. As I try to let him grow up it scares me also. I will tell him he has 20 minutes to go see his friend or ride his bike up and down the trails. He will check in every 20 minutes lol But at least I know he's safe every time he checks in. Parenting is such hard work! What to do, what not do is always weighing heavy on my mind. But making sure they are safe is my top priority. 

I love all my kids. I still cant believe I have 4. As much as I long for sleep or some time with my husband, I wouldn't have it any other way. Even though some days are hard I believe you take care of what God gives you. These days will go by quickly so I cherish the time we have now. I am busy but blessed! 

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