Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Swings, baths, and Cuddles

 Please daddy get that swing put together! 

Bryce is by FAR our needy baby out of the 2. So today I demanded there be a swing put in our home for him. He constantly has to be held or rocked so a swing seems like the perfect solution.  And I was right. As soon as I got the swing going he was perfectly content. As a matter of fact he stayed there most the night. I hate it but it works. And we have to go with what works for right now. 

Bryce loves bath time! That is another way I calm him.  Along with this sleep wash and lotion. I love it. I want to bathe in it myself! 

LOVE THIS I will always cherish it.

I  think they will end up looking just like Kendal. I already see it in Bryce. She was about 6 months old in the pic below.

 Sweet babies! Blake kissing his sister :D

 Blake will have a friend over but he still makes time to  hold a baby. Even his friend loves the babies. 

Brody gets his time in. Kendal loves to spoil him. He is more independent so I feel he doesn't get as much of our time. But tonight he wanted to be held a lot. Kendal is a great help. The other night when her dad was working she thought she would really pitch in and help take care of them. She kept picking one up and I kept having to get on to her for that. I watched her put a burp cloth over her shoulder and bend down to pick up a baby, I said what are you doing. She said " I have to burp this baby" I love her and her eagerness to help but some days it's a bit too much for her little self. But try telling her she is little :l 

Out in public we get a lot of stares and people coming up to us. They ask how old, what their names are, and how sweet they are. Twins are really fascinating.    I think they are too. I am very much fascinated with my babies :D

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