Monday, May 21, 2012

These days have been a bit challenging. What I considered a normal life has turned into anything but normal. In November I found out I was expecting a baby. And if I'm being totally honest I wasn't too happy about it. I had my doubts after miscarrying January 28, 2010. We have a boy and a girl and as much as Josh had longed for a third child, I made it very clear that I was content with the 2 kids we have. Going through a miscarriage again would be devastating. And that was that. So I thought... When I had missed my monthly friend I knew something was up, I told Josh that I might be pregnant. He just said it was stress or my hormones but surely I wasn't pregnant. 2 weeks later I decided to test and sure enough it was POSITIVE! I cried but knew I had to do whatever it took to make sure this baby made it into the world. I started the doctor visits ASAP, ate healthy, and tried to remain calm. Then January 28, 2012 I started bleeding. I cried saying not again and it's the same day. Josh rushed me to the hospital and I was waiting to hear the worst news possible. After not hearing a heart beat they did an ultrasound. I saw the baby! I was so relieved. The baby was laying there PERFECTLY. I just laid there looking at my baby when all of a sudden another baby appeared. That's right. TWINS! Josh and I were so shocked we didn't sleep a wink the whole night that night. What a surprise. The bleeding was from placenta previa. So I was on bed rest for 2 months. I had ultrasounds every 2 weeks and I was so happy to hear the previa had lifted and I could get out of bed. As soon as I heard get out of bed my activity level increased. Josh and I took the kids to the medieval fair. It was really hot and I felt like something wasn't right. We didn't stay long. As soon as we get home I went to bed. When I turned in the bed that night I felt water. I jumped up and water was all over the floor. I was 23 weeks and my water had broken. I quickly dressed and rushed to the hospital. They sent me to OU Childrens where they stopped my labor with magnesium. This was on April 2nd. I sat in the hospital for days. Some days were lonely, some were scary, and some were okay. When Josh and the kids were with me I felt my best. Over all I was miserable and wanted to go home but I knew it was best for the babies. May 2nd, exactly a month later baby b's water broke. So again, I was given magnesium. 4 days later May 6th I started going into labor and it couldn't be stopped. I was only 28 weeks. I had to have emergency c- section. So at 8:08 and 8:09 Brody and Bryce were born. Identical twins boys :) They were beautiful and TINY. They are still in the NICU and that's where I spend most of my days. Little did I know they would be the best thing that ever happened to me. Along with my husband and other 2 children. Now I am just waiting for them to get home so we can be a big, happy, crazy family. The day they come home will be the best day ever!!!

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