Thursday, May 31, 2012

I can't believe it's the end of May already. The month ended well. I spent the day at the hospital. I had lunch with the other NICU moms. That always helps me. Talking about our concerns and having someone to talk to that knows exactly what I am going through is a life saver. 

Bryce is now 3 pounds! I am so proud. Every pound will be so exciting for me. I spent time talking to the doctors today to find out that Brody is actually the one doing exceptionally well. He isn't on IV fluids or a breathing tube. He is doing everything a baby should be doing. Bryce is doing good, they said no lung or heart issues just a few breathing problems that are to be expected because of being premature. They are very happy with how well Brody is doing. So that makes me happy. 

Blake and Kendal are somewhat adjusting to the hospital life. We spend time at the play room and the fountains outside. They argue who will push the elevator buttons every single time and of course that pushes our buttons. We read lots of books and spend lots of time in the cafeteria. I think they are ready for their normal life back. But they are doing great and hanging in there with us. 

I am excited to see what is going to happen in June. I know they will get bigger and things will start getting easier. (I hope)  The twins are so sweet. I love all 4 of my kids. They are all beautiful blessings :)

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