Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Happiness with a little crying

Who would have known twins would make me so happy :)  Who would have known twins would make me cry too. Don't get me wrong I am so in love with them and I love being a twin mom.  They are amazing. I cry because doing laundry for 4 was a lot now there is 6 of us. Doing laundry tonight was a bit overwhelming. I cry because how am I going to be the perfect mom to 4? It's been so easy with 2. I am full of anxiety. Everything has to be perfect when they come home and right now everything is far from it. I have been so busy with the other 2 kids and being at the hospital that everything is just a mess at home. Tonight I cried but it didn't last long. They are too precious and I am too blessed. Everything will fall into place. Getting them home is by far the most important right now. 

A lot of first happened this week. Kendal held Brody for the first time and did not want to give him back. When her dad went to take him she put up a fight. She even said give him back to me when Josh took him from her. She loves him already :)

Blake also got to hold Bryce for the first time. He loved every minute of it and is so proud of his brothers. 

I bottle fed the boys for the first time Tuesday. They still can't quite figure out what to do. So they have been practicing with them more and more. They are hoping by the end of this week they get it down. We are very ready for this to happen because when it does that means HOME! I found out since I am not a new mom I get to skip the village and go straight home. That is great news. 

I love tuesdays because it's scrapbooking day. We finally got a pic of all of us for my scrapbook. I was thrilled.  Yep 6 hearts lol

I am ready to get these babies home. I am a nervous wreck thinking about how I am going to do do it all. But it will all come together. So for now I am happy, crying, bursting with excitement, and nervous. But they are healthy which is most important and they are coming home soon. God knew I needed them in my life and that is why they are here. I am so thankful. And did I mention how they are sooo sweet laying next to each other. They touch each other and look at each other. Ohhh my cup runneth over.....

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