Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Village

I went up to see the boys today only to discover they had been moved to the village. When I walked up the lady said to me, you know your babies are in the village now? I bust out with tears of joy right there. I have waited since the day they were born for the village. Now I get to sleep in the same room with them and take care of them. I get to know my babies.  This is the next step towards home. This is the step we have been wanting.  

Driving home Josh and I heard our wedding song. And I said who would have thought when we got married we would have twins? Let alone 4 kids? Life has a funny way of working out. Some days we are bubbly and on cloud 9 some days we are scared out of our minds how we are going to do this. Not only raise 4 kids but make time for our marriage. It's a little overwhelming. But over all we are very happy that we were given these precious miracles. 

I feel like I belong at children's hospital now. Like it's my home. I have been up there since April 2nd so I don't know how to go back to our regular life. I am definitely ready but I think a part of me will miss it. It will be bitter sweet leaving the hospital and never looking back. This has been an experience I will never forget.  

Soon the kids will be back in school and it will be good the babies will be home so we can have a solid routine for them. Things are moving rather quickly now so I know it will be any day now. I need lots of prayers. I know this will work out and this is part of God's plan. He obviously knows something about me that I don't know. All I can do is be thankful for all he has blessed me with. 

The Parents Of Twins

A meeting was convened one day 
In Heaven's sacred hall. 
The ideal parents must be found 
For twins so sweet and small. 

They must be patient, first of all, 
And calm and kind and wise, 
And capable of chasing tears 
Away from little eyes. 

Would also put their children first 
And have a lot of smarts, 
With dedication and resolve, 
Two sweet and loving hearts. 

It was agreed you were the best -- 
No other ones would do. 
Yes, Heaven found the perfect ones 
And sent those twins to you! 


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