Friday, June 15, 2012


While staying in the hospital for 5 weeks I managed to lose 15 pounds. I was on a strict diet for my diabetes. So my meals were small and snacks were sugar free. Sometimes I would get vanilla wafers which I felt was a special treat because it was real sugar. I only got a few though.  I ate so much sugar free jello and pudding. I drank diet coke and unsweet tea. None of this is what I preferred but the outcome was amazing. I was at a smaller weight than I was before I got pregnant. No fast food or soda and 15 pounds was gone. YAY!

Well I am still at that weight but I would like to keep my diet and lose more weight. That's what I am hoping to do.  I never lost my baby weight with Blake and then I gained more weight with Kendal that never came off either. So,  in order to do this I have to watch carbs and sugar just like I had to in the hospital. But I was monitored in the hospital. So this is a challenge. 

And here's the problem. With all the back and forthing to the hospital and all my emotional days, fast food and junk food are finding their ways back into my life. My favorite foods these days are:

Cheetos, Otis Spunkmeyer cookies, (from the hospital and they are huge) chick-fil-a, burger king, brownies, and dr pepper. Like I seriously want nothing else.  But it makes me sick as soon as I eat something bad I feel awful. So, I know I need to go back to my diet. Ham sandwiches are the only thing  I can eat and not feel like I am going to hurl. 

I know I am not getting any younger and I have to do this for my kids. Just the weight I have lost I have more energy and feel better. I need all the energy I can get. So if anyone has any recipes or any words of encouragement feel free to leave them for me. I need all the support I can get.  Thanks.

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