Saturday, June 9, 2012

June 8, 2002

Today we celebrated 10 years of marriage. 

In 10 years I've learned to appreciate a man that will help around the house. He is quick to help with the dishes, vacuum, and make beds.  I've learned to appreciate a man that cooks. I have learned to appreciate a man that has OCD because that means everything is organized and always kept neat. I appreciate the fact that he works hard is willing to do whatever to make sure I stay home and raise our kids. I appreciate that he thinks of my happiness before his own. I appreciate his love for traveling and making memories with our children. I share the same interest. He is a family man, he's always positive, he hardly tells me no when he knows it's something I want, and he is good at whatever he does. He puts his whole heart and mind into everything. I have learned to appreciate all that.   10 years has gone by fast. But time flies when you are having fun :)  I'm ready for 10 more!

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