Thursday, November 29, 2012


I think back to this time last year and I was pregnant with twins and didn't even know it. I knew I was pregnant but had no idea there was 2 of them. I knew I was more tired than normal but, I blamed it on my age. While we were Christmas shopping I complained of having very little energy. I tired out so quickly. I slept more than enough and still felt tired. I just felt way different than the other pregnancies and now I know why!

I am so glad they are here and healthy. All we went through to have them and realizing they are just what we needed to make our family complete. What we didn't know we wanted turned out to be our biggest blessing. But God already knew that. 

One day one may get more attention than the other or some days they both demand it. Whatever it is, they get what they need. I am very tired. Sleep is in the past. I will get one to sleep and the other will wake up. Brody is starting to be very cuddly like Bryce. So that makes it a little tough. I need 4 arms these days. Bryce has big eyes and laughs a lot. Brody smiles a lot but is for sure my serious one. 

Blake and Kendal have adjusted well to them. But we are all waiting on them to crawl and play. They are almost 7 months. We aren't too far away from 1.  

We are excited about their first Christmas just like we are about all their other firsts. Time is flying by and I'm not missing a beat. Busy and Blessed :)

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Kendal's 6th Birthday!

We celebrated Kendal's 6th Birthday yesterday!  I can't believe she is 6! That seems so big. It's takes 2 hands instead of 1 now to show her age. It just seems so big!  

We started the day with her favorite breakfast. Blueberry pancakes and strawberries! She got to eat in bed. I don't let my kids eat in their rooms at all, so this was a treat! 

We baked cupcakes and she wanted strawberry and chocolate frosting. We decorated with edible pearls and tiara tooth pics.  My friend Taylor made her a tiara cake with a 6 on it. 

There were friends, music dancing, painting pumpkins, watching movies, snacks, and lots of fun! 

 I wish Kendal had a sister! But Taylor will work :)                                         

Happy 6th Birthday to my baby girl! People say you will never remember this and you probably won't. But I will! This is a passion of mine and I love you! Your happiness means everything to me. I love the memories we make and one day you will have all this to look back on. I am molding you into a happy, fun, and loving person. I am looking forward to every birthday I get to spend with you. Hope you enjoyed your day. Mama xoxo

Sunday, October 21, 2012

It's been a while

It's October 21st! Where does the time go? I have not sat down to blog in a while and I have missed it. Blogging is very therapeutic for me and somewhat personal time as well. Something that is very limited these days. Of course all my time is spent taking care of the babies. I do take care of my older ones also, but they are not near as needy. As long as they have a plate of food and some beverages they are content. I feel like I spend zero time with them now and it bothers me A LOT!   To make up for it I let them have a friend over all weekend. They love playing with their friends and would probably rather do that then spend time with mommy anyways. It amazes me that Kendal will be 6 next Saturday and Blake is almost 10. I think when I look up next they will be teenagers. 

Kendal will be 6 next Saturday!! :) And of course there is a party. There will be friends, cupcakes, and a sleepover to make this day special. As much as I have talked this over with her and tried to persuade other plans, it's not happening. She insists on a sleepover. I know I am the mom and I can say no, but she is 6. Shouldn't she have a say so about her birthday? I think so!  The boys are going to stay the night with grandma. (Even the big boy, daddy!) So it's just us girls. Yippee I am so excited!! 

I am also  excited about Halloween. I wanted to do more crafts and stuff but I am hoping next year I will have more time. We did go to the pumpkin patch. Where the kids did a hay ride and ran through a maze. There were horse swings the kids played on. Of course tons of pumpkins and pictures were also included. I love this time of year.  The twins are 2 peas in a pod, Blake is an army guy, and Kendal, well we are still undecided. Which we have to hurry and decide tomorrow. Her dance halloween party is Thursday. Very exciting time of year. Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. And all are firsts for my babies. I am tickled pink and blue :)

Saturday, October 13, 2012

75 ways to be a good Parent.

75) Color a page that your child selects for you in their coloring book. Label it "to" them.
74) Be the person you want them to become.
73) Let an argument go.
72) Hug them. For at least 30 seconds.
71) Stop what your are doing to listen to them.
70) Sing a song to them.
69) Write a poem about them.
68) Put a little mailbox outside of their room door and deliver "mail" to them.
67) Talk well about them in front of other people (and them!)
66) Apologize when you are wrong.
65) Read them a book.
64) Let them color your driveway with chalk.
63) Let them help you cook.
62) Tell them that you are not perfect and you do not expect them to be either.
61) Let them see you forgive someone and not talk bad about them later.
60) Tell them they are everything you ever wanted in life
59) Tell them the truth.
58) Talk to them, for 20 minutes a day about whatever they want to tell you.
57) Respect their privacy
56) Pray for them
55) Do something nice for your spouse in front of them
54) Do not embarrass them
53) Tell them the story of when they were born/adopted
52) Take pictures of them
51) Find out what their interests are
50) This is different from what your interests are for them to do
49) Be kind to their friends
48) Let them help others
47) Help them decide what kind of person they want to be
46) Be their biggest fan. Others will criticize them enough.
45) Make them a CD of their favorite music.
44) Love them.
43) Limit television time.
42) Take them to a bookstore and let them pick a book.
41) Take road trips with them
40) Do not tolerate their fits. This is as much for them as it is for you.
39) Be their friend.
38) Talk to them about what your values are.
37) Think of them -first.
36) Show them that they are special to you.
35) Teach them your religion.
34) Show them how to have good relationships by watching you and your spouse.
33) Say yes.
32) Teach them how to do their own laundry and pick up after themselves.
31) Tell them that you love them unconditionally.
30) Be there for them even if it is 4:00 a.m.
29) Be careful of how much you act like you need a break from them. They are listening.
28) Tell them you are proud of them.
27) Rent them the same movie that they have already seen and don't say anything about it
26) Taking their side will actually help them see the other person's point of view. If you push them away, they will not listen to you.
25) Make them laugh.
24) Buy them flowers.
23) Answer their questions. All 2 million of them.
22) Wash their sheets a lot. Fresh sheets are something they will remember.
21) Plant a flower with them. Children love gardening.
20) Tell them a secret to keep. Trust them.
19) Keep their secrets. This is so important.
18) Hold them when they cry. Let them hold you.
17) Pick your battles. Everyone has bad days. They are no different.
16) Bathe them often. This makes them feel better - physically and emotionally.
15) Take care of your health. You want to stay around for a while.
14) Let be little.
13) Really live where you are. Take them to the fair. Let them have a sense of community.
12) Forgive yourself.
11) Love them just the way they are. That is how they love you.
10) Encourage them daily.
9) Teach them that they are not better than anyone else. Also teach them that no one is better than them. Especially as far as you are concerned.
8) Tuck them in. Let your voice be the last one they hear at the end of the day.
7) Let them go.
6) Learn things from them. They will teach you more than you will ever teach them.
5) Don't compare yourself. You are the best parent for the job. That is why they were given to you.
4) Be silly. Smile, laugh, and play outside with them.
3) Treat your parents the way you want your kids to treat you.
2) Enjoy it while it lasts. They won't be this way for long.
1) If you are feeling less than, ask them why you are a good mommy, and be prepared to cry.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Home for a month

I remember feeling like the NICU days were never going to end and now the babies have been with us for a month. The month has flown by. The first few nights I don't think Josh slept a wink. He watched over them constantly making sure they were breathing. I tried to reassure him they were fine but he insisted that we take shifts to make sure they would be okay. We did that for a few weeks. Then after we were tired of not going to bed together, or really not going to bed at all we decided to start sleeping and when they woke us up we would get up to feed them. So that's what we did and are still continuing to do. The waking up through the night is getting a little easier. We are only doing feedings at 2:30 a.m now which is better than every 3 hours like we were. As soon as we hear the cries we both head downstairs to make bottles and feed a baby. I still can't believe it takes both of us.     

Kendal helps a lot. She loves picking up a crying baby. Blake helps a little but not as much as little mama. I do believe that it is very normal though. Since the babies have been home school has started. So it makes it a little easier just having the babies at home during the day. The days are busy and go by fast. Taking care of 4 kids very time consuming. I have very little time for anything and time with Josh is nonexistent. Everything is put on a hold for a bit. I know it won't be like this for long.  I love my babies but times it can be overwhelming so this month I have worked on crafts just to have an escape for a while. It has helped me get through some tough days.  The babies went to church once out of the whole month.  We will start going more now that they are getting bigger.  I appreciate the ones that have helped me through this month. I have even asked for help which is so unlike me. I hate asking for help!! But, I have learned that I need it now. And I am going to start having more date nights and time for me all I have to do is ask. And I can't give up on the stuff that made me sane just because I have 4 kids. They are my life and my everything but I need a break sometimes and I am learning to be okay with that. I never felt like that with Blake and Kendal. 2 kids was a breeze and they weren't the same age. Having 4 now with two that are the same age is very different. So I made it a month and we are getting a routine down. So better days are ahead :)

Monday, September 3, 2012

25 things I want to tell my daughter

1. Enjoy the innocence of your childhood.
In a world full of superficial values, peer pressure, and bullying, as well as a pop culture that pushes materialism and consumerism – you are being leapfrogged through your childhood.  There is a constant pressure for you to grow up way too fast. I mean, when did 5 become the new 10, anyway?
Grow slowly.

2. Smart is the new cool.
Never be ashamed of being smart or nerdy, having freckles or glasses, or loving science and math.  Smart never goes out of style, it stays with you as you grow, and it will lead you down the most successful paths.

3. No matter how many times you hear it, “Diamonds are NOT a girl’s best friend.”
Friends are invaluable.  They are trusting and loyal.  They stick with you through good times and bad, happy or sad.  Some will come and go, but your true friends will be with you always.
Friends forever, through whatever.

4. Go for it, get dirty! It’s good for you.
Besides the fact that getting dirty actually does help support your immunity, it’s also a great way to express creativity!  Sculpt, draw, and stomp.  Better yet, go “classic” and make some mud pies

5. Beat the boys at their own games.
Football, baseball, hockey or golf, never let anyone tell you that you can’t do something because you’re a girl.  So go ahead, build the tallest tower of legos, kick butt on Xbox, and bust out your light saber.

6. Be spiritual.
Find the desire to understand the universe and your place in it.  Take the time to notice the earth and all of its beauty.  Give thanks to God.

7.  See the world.
Experience new cultures, religions, people, and places.  Open your heart and mind to the tremendous benefits of studying and visiting domestic and foreign lands.
Bon Voyage

8. A strong hand shake leaves a lasting impression.
It represents self-confidence and ambition.  A strong hand shake and eye contact exemplifies a mutual respect for one another and is a sign that you are friendly, trustworthy, and honest.

9. Choose your role models carefully.
Even though you are only 5, I am so glad that right now you have absolutely no idea who Hannah Montanna is.

10. Read something everyday.
From the Cat in the Hat and Dr. Seuss to Junie B Jones, reading is exercise for your brain.  It expands knowledge and vocabulary- and lets your imagination run wild.

11. When it comes to wearing make-up, there’s a general rule of thumb that applies – LESS is MORE.

12. When it comes to fashion, shorter does not always equal better.  Fashion trends come and go and not all of it is fabulous.  Half tops and mini skirts are great for an 85 degree day at the beach or if you’re a Miami Dolphins cheerleader, but not for your high school yearbook photo.

13. Please, please, please do not allow yourself to become someone else’s property.  Why this is trendy, I will never figure out.  If you want to make a statement about yourself on clothing, at least let it describe an aspect of who YOU are.
I just don’t get it.

14. Speaking of trends, I hope that by the time you are allowed to date, guys don’t wear their pants hanging half way down their ass like they do now.  I really feel like this has been pretty popular for quite some time and I am praying that it finally goes away by 2022.  Also, I will flip my lid if you become this guy’s property! (see #13)

15. Being an angel should not and does not mean wearing only your bra, underwear, and a set of wings for everyone to see.

16. Since you’re growing up in the technological age of iPad, iPod, iPhone, and texting, I have to address the horrendous lack of writing skills being used by today’s youth.  This phenomenon of truant letters may very well be the Death of English (LOL).  Bottom line, don’t use text lingo in your thesis.
What does this even say?

17. Speaking of text lingo, verbal slang is just as unprofessional.  Reminds me of Alicia Silverstone fromClueless.  OMG, ROFL, BFF, TMI, FYI, IDK….As If.

18. Don’t let pop culture define you.
I don’t know why, but today we let pop culture manipulate our youth and it’s killing them emotionally, spiritually, and intellectually.  From the early on fascination with princesses, to the ‘need’ for a boyfriend and big boobs, popularity, teen moms, and all the other garbage being thrown in their face – be confident going against the grain.

19. Accept yourself for who you are.
You’re one-of-a-kind and that’s what makes you beautiful.  Tall, short, big, small, blonde, brunette, redhead, white, brown, blue, pink, yellow – we are all DIFFERENT.

20. Mainstream your health.
It’s life’s greatest asset.  A positive approach to health encompasses physical, mental, social, emotional, and spiritual well being.  Healthy lifestyle choices in your youth will help lay a strong foundation for continued wellness throughout your adult life.  Diet, exercise, stress management, chiropractic, self motivation, positiveness, and meditation, as well as a number of other approaches are guaranteed to make a huge impact on your quality of life, health, and happiness.

21. Have confidence in yourself.
A positive self-image assures power, strength, ability, and value.  It will enable you to conquer your goals and allow you to fearlessly pursue your biggest dreams.

22. Be a sister. Be a friend. Be a protector.

23. Love with all your heart.
For where there is love there is life.  Love is universal and felt by all living things.  So strong is the feeling of love that it is said it makes the world go round.

24. Never be afraid to laugh at yourself.
Laughter is humbling.  It inspires and motivates.

25. Wherever you are in life, you can come home.  I will be here – always.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Swings, baths, and Cuddles

 Please daddy get that swing put together! 

Bryce is by FAR our needy baby out of the 2. So today I demanded there be a swing put in our home for him. He constantly has to be held or rocked so a swing seems like the perfect solution.  And I was right. As soon as I got the swing going he was perfectly content. As a matter of fact he stayed there most the night. I hate it but it works. And we have to go with what works for right now. 

Bryce loves bath time! That is another way I calm him.  Along with this sleep wash and lotion. I love it. I want to bathe in it myself! 

LOVE THIS I will always cherish it.

I  think they will end up looking just like Kendal. I already see it in Bryce. She was about 6 months old in the pic below.

 Sweet babies! Blake kissing his sister :D

 Blake will have a friend over but he still makes time to  hold a baby. Even his friend loves the babies. 

Brody gets his time in. Kendal loves to spoil him. He is more independent so I feel he doesn't get as much of our time. But tonight he wanted to be held a lot. Kendal is a great help. The other night when her dad was working she thought she would really pitch in and help take care of them. She kept picking one up and I kept having to get on to her for that. I watched her put a burp cloth over her shoulder and bend down to pick up a baby, I said what are you doing. She said " I have to burp this baby" I love her and her eagerness to help but some days it's a bit too much for her little self. But try telling her she is little :l 

Out in public we get a lot of stares and people coming up to us. They ask how old, what their names are, and how sweet they are. Twins are really fascinating.    I think they are too. I am very much fascinated with my babies :D

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Busy, Busy!

 The kids are in school and I am taking care of babies around the clock. Twins are a lot of work. I can't even begin to explain it and no one would even understand unless they had a set for themselves. They are sweet but demanding. I would even say a little spoilt. We love on our babies a lot because they don't stay that way long. I am eager for them to get bigger just to see how they interact and the fun they will bring. Oh and maybe they will sleep through the night and feed themselves too ;) 

Kendal starts dance next week. She told me today she loves Kindergarten. The things she says and does amuses me daily. She is definitely a joy. My only girl  :D

She was eating ice cream today. And as I laughed at her I thought you are for sure my child. There's more on your face than in your mouth. A lot of her ways remind me of myself. Yikes...

Blake is now in 4th grade. He thinks he is so big. Which I guess he is. He thinks he has to have a friend over daily and be able to ride his bike all over the neighborhood. As I try to let him grow up it scares me also. I will tell him he has 20 minutes to go see his friend or ride his bike up and down the trails. He will check in every 20 minutes lol But at least I know he's safe every time he checks in. Parenting is such hard work! What to do, what not do is always weighing heavy on my mind. But making sure they are safe is my top priority. 

I love all my kids. I still cant believe I have 4. As much as I long for sleep or some time with my husband, I wouldn't have it any other way. Even though some days are hard I believe you take care of what God gives you. These days will go by quickly so I cherish the time we have now. I am busy but blessed! 

Monday, August 13, 2012

I'm seeing double

 Sister is so proud they are home!

 We don't always sleep but when we  do it looks like this. 

 Bryce is always crying
 Brody is always content. 
 Blake is such a proud brother :)  

We brought the babies home August 10th. We are so happy to  have them home. Although we have sleepless nights and our lives are really busy we wouldn't trade it for anything. These babies were meant to be here for a reason. And now I have all 4 of my babies  under the same roof. Praise the Lord. He is so good! 

Monday, August 6, 2012

3 months old and almost home.


 I spent a lot of time in the room with them and Bryce is such a cuddler and I couldn't put him down. I actually loved every minute of it. He is so precious. As long as Brody is fed and changed, he is fine laying in his bed. He loves to be talked to but he's not as needy as Bryce. I was told today to prepare for them to come home next time I come up. I am as thrilled as they come. Although home will be very stressful it will be a lot easier than going to the hospital all the time and not having any control over my own children. The past 3 months have gone by so fast but yet so slow. I have waited for the day they come home for eternity it seems like.  

I  have so many emotions! One is definitely bubbly. When I look at these babies and take care of them I know they are meant to be here for a reason. There is nothing sweeter than a baby. I adore them and feel very blessed to be their mother. I will do the best I can to take care of these little angel babies. As Josh and I pushed them down the halls of hospital people stopped and stared. Yes there are 2 of them. As everyone is fascinated by these babies it makes me realize that not everyone gets this privilege in life. Not every one gets to be a twin mom. What an amazing gift!  3 months of  up and downs and we are almost there. God has carried me through days I never thought I would get through. I will be so very happy when they come home. They are so sweet and precious. I love them so much :) 

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Goodbye July

 Kendal has been begging for a pedi ever since she discovered the bear chair. So I finally got to take her today. With all the craziness in our life right now I thought she deserved this. She was in heaven!

She got her fingernails polished too. So she had to dry them.  She picked orange with glitter for her color. 

She walked out with pretty toes asking if she could do it again some day. I am glad she loved it.


 I spent the rest of the evening playing with Blake and Kendal. I love when we get to spend time at home. I will be so very happy when the babies come home and we are all together. I need us all together.  We had hot dogs for dinner. Simple but a great summer food. It was a great way to end July.  We all had a great day :)

Sunday, July 29, 2012

This Weekend

This weekend I was hoping the babies would be home. We are close just not that close. Rachel and Jake came up to visit the babies. It was her first time to hold them. She was overjoyed.

  The hospital no longer allows twins to co bed so they have been apart for a few days now. I really want them together but I understand their concern for SIDS. I put them in bouncy seats and I think they knew they were close to each other by the way they were acting. 

  I had so much on my mind this weekend. The closer we get to coming home the more I am trying to wrap my brain around this.  4 kids is a lot! No doubt about it. No matter how many times I try to convince myself this will be easy, truth is it won't be. I have always had a good memory and these days I am forgetful. I have always been well organized with the other 2 and now I am scattered. I have always had a lot of energy and now I can barely keep up. All of this SCARES me. I want to be the best I can be to them and not lose myself in the process. I guess I won't know how any of this is going to work until they come home. I am very anxious to get them home. Juggling everything between home and the hospital is making me crazy. Hopefully at home things will be easier. 

Thankfully Josh's mom took the kids this weekend so we could care for the babies and do all the videos and CPR training we have to get done.

We are hoping one more  week and we are home! It's getting harder and harder to leave the babies. I have to get home to my other 2 while Josh works. All of this is hard but we are getting through it. We are closer now than before.  Thank God!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Village

I went up to see the boys today only to discover they had been moved to the village. When I walked up the lady said to me, you know your babies are in the village now? I bust out with tears of joy right there. I have waited since the day they were born for the village. Now I get to sleep in the same room with them and take care of them. I get to know my babies.  This is the next step towards home. This is the step we have been wanting.  

Driving home Josh and I heard our wedding song. And I said who would have thought when we got married we would have twins? Let alone 4 kids? Life has a funny way of working out. Some days we are bubbly and on cloud 9 some days we are scared out of our minds how we are going to do this. Not only raise 4 kids but make time for our marriage. It's a little overwhelming. But over all we are very happy that we were given these precious miracles. 

I feel like I belong at children's hospital now. Like it's my home. I have been up there since April 2nd so I don't know how to go back to our regular life. I am definitely ready but I think a part of me will miss it. It will be bitter sweet leaving the hospital and never looking back. This has been an experience I will never forget.  

Soon the kids will be back in school and it will be good the babies will be home so we can have a solid routine for them. Things are moving rather quickly now so I know it will be any day now. I need lots of prayers. I know this will work out and this is part of God's plan. He obviously knows something about me that I don't know. All I can do is be thankful for all he has blessed me with. 

The Parents Of Twins

A meeting was convened one day 
In Heaven's sacred hall. 
The ideal parents must be found 
For twins so sweet and small. 

They must be patient, first of all, 
And calm and kind and wise, 
And capable of chasing tears 
Away from little eyes. 

Would also put their children first 
And have a lot of smarts, 
With dedication and resolve, 
Two sweet and loving hearts. 

It was agreed you were the best -- 
No other ones would do. 
Yes, Heaven found the perfect ones 
And sent those twins to you!